Kosmic Journey

Integral living and wellness. Physical and psychological well-being. Personal enrichment, change management, professional development and learning. Achievement motivation and positive thinking. Emotional and spiritual intelligence. Everything that makes our life more productive and meaningful.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Journey

Objective: To experience the ebb and flow of your life’s journey; to show how your personal resolve to move forward on a spirtual path is so critically important.

Close your eyes and breathe comfortably.
Imagine that you are undertaking a long and arduous spiritual journey.
The journey requires you to take a long walk without any companion.
You are wearing a long robe for protection against the heat and walking shoes.
You have a stick in your hand for self-protection.
You know the general direction of where you would like to go but you are unaware of the specific pathway that would take you there.
You are in search of the source of sacred water and nourishment for your soul that would make you gain new energy, an energy that makes you do extraordinary things in life.
You sit down on a large stone to relax and to drink a few drops of water from the flask you are carrying.

Suddenly, you see that the color of the sky has changed.
The sky has become dark and the sun has disappeared behind thick black clouds.
There is thunder and lightening.
Wind becomes fast and ferocious.
For a moment, you don’t know what to do.
You see a cave on the side of the hill.
You rush into the cave.
It looks like an old cave.
Over time, it may have given shelter to many animals and human beings.
Outside, the weather looks like a hurricane.
Trees are uprooted.
Streams, which were dry only a few minutes ago, now are flooded with water.
You sit in a meditative posture and reach deep within yourself.
You ask for spiritual guidance.

When you open your eyes, the hurricane is gone.
The sun has come out.
The wind is cool but non-threatening.
You decide to resume your walk.
You walk a few miles.
Suddenly, you are overcome by thirst and hunger.
You have only a few drops of water and no food.
You decide to meditate once again.
When you open your eyes, you hear the sound of falling water.
You decide to follow the sound.
You see a waterfall.
Very close to the waterfall there is an orchard.
You smell ripe apples ready to be picked.
You take your pick of the fruit and sit down by the water to have your meal.
You feel you have come to the end of your journey.
A new energy flows through your veins.

Open your eyes when you are ready.


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